Tag Archives: habit

Morning Routine

The Billion Dollar Morning Routine

Creating routines is hard work but keeping up with routines is even harder!  Why are morning routines important for productivity? What should be included in a morning routine? Are cold showers really that bad? In this episode of Internal Affairs, I talk about all these topics and argue why it is important for everyone to give the One Billion Dollar Morning Routine a try. Essentially, the One Billion Dollar Routine appear as overkill, but it produces some useful insights that last a lifetime!

I have returned!! After a small hiatus due to a throat bug, I am BACK! I hope you enjoy this episode and I really hope that you try out this routine. I know it may seem daunting, but it forces a mindset that is beneficial when working a lot. When I did this routine every day, I was in the trenches mentally… it was summer, I was working at Target in Cincinnati, and had just broken up with my x-partner. When we are at our lowest, we often fall back onto our habits. I decided back then to create habits that would serve me and that is what this routine gave me. This routine really helped keep my mental health up when I needed it most and I hope that if you are ever in a state of mind like I was, you are able to find comfort.

Like Internal Affairs? Subscribe so you will not miss an episode!

Internal Affairs Instagram: @internal__affairs

Mandy’s Instagram: @mandy.m0o0o

Mandy’s Music Instagram: @no.songs.for.mandy

Blubrry’s Instagram: @blubrry_podcasting

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Read more about the 1 Billion Dollar Routine:

The One Billion Dollar Morning Routine – PsiNapse

The 1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine Checklist:

  1. Wake up Early
  2. Recall your Dreams for 15 minutes
  3. Make your Bed
  4. Drink a Glass of Water
  5. Take Vitamins
  6. Meditate for 20 minutes
  7. Exercise for 2 minutes
  8. Take a Cold Shower
  9. Make Tea
  10. Write in Your Journal for 20 minutes
  11. Create a To Do, To Feel and To Be List
  12. Read for 30 minutes
  13. Make a Smoothie
  14. Start your Day

I hope you enjoyed this week’s episode of Internal Affairs, talk soon!



Instagram Stories


Why Instagram stories matter:

  • Instagram stories are an easy, free way to try out different marketing techniques. You can tag locations and people to encourage exposure to your profile. Today I explore the flexibility and usefulness of Instagram stories and how they can really improve your presence on social media. I take a deep dive into Amazons Instagram stories to get a perspective on how the top marketing executives are using Instagram stories. Do not be afraid of trying different things with Instagram stories. If you do not like your result, just try another approach! You go this.
  • Then I delve into my resolutions for 2022 and what I have learned about the difficulties of creating habits. Of course, I mention my favorite podcast, Hidden Brain again. Which helps up identify what steps can be taken to develop good habits that we can actually stick to.


  • Chau and I have decided to not co-host Internal Affairs together. Instead, it will be fully taken over by me, Mandy Moore. I hope you enjoy the coming episodes! This episode is a new dynamic than what I usually put up, so I really hope you like it.

Like Internal Affairs? Follow so you will not miss an episode!

Internal Affairs Instagram: @internal__affairs

Mandy’s Instagram: @mandy.m0o0o

Mandy’s Music Instagram: @no.songs.for.mandy

Blubrry’s Instagram: @blubrry_podcasting

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I hope you enjoy this week’s episode of Internal Affairs, talk soon!

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